How to STOP “Never Good Enough” In Its Tracks

I’ve come to believe, at the root of almost all unhappiness lies three words - “NEVER GOOD ENOUGH” and one ever-present and catastrophic question “Who do you think you are?”

Brené Brown suggests millions of us believe we are “never good enough, never perfect enough, never thin enough, never powerful enough, never successful enough, never smart enough, never certain enough, never safe enough, never extraordinary enough”... a lie internalized and reinforced by ourselves, others and society.A more subtle lesson of ‘unworthiness’ emerged for me earlier this month... a not so gentle reminder of the rampant carnage this belief can carry and its seemingly innocuous presence in our minds.Two individuals, I have the privilege of serving - one, an aspiring leader, experiencing the tremendous reward of his efforts, catapulting forward in his life and career… the other - a woman aspiring toward the freedom life is meant to hold… seeking greater joy and fulfillment, her children grown and successful in their own right… ready to embrace the luxury to do what lights her up.I suppose it should not surprise me and yet, it is exactly how I found myself… a few days later, pondering these two unrelated conversations. Their circumstances could not be further removed and yet at the root of their discomfort, each was able to acknowledge a sense of lack… of not feeling worthy.Having walked my own road to unveiling this belief, I am compelled to full transparency and to note the persistence with which this belief can cling. Despite vigilant awareness and intentional practice, one must be prepared for a lengthy battle. Even with such rigour, the road will be bumpy, the turns unexpected and sharp. But as we move down the road, we experience a reward beyond current comprehension, one of true joy… true success… true FREEDOM...My very first blog offers an alternate look at how I learned to embrace my worth, check it out here.

The Gift of I AM ENOUGH

I’ll share with you what I shared with the two of them… the gift I discovered - the means to replace the wretched belief with the confidence, the knowing ‘I AM ENOUGH’.All you need is within you… just give it some A.I.R. Breathe slowly, deeply… notice the thought, the inner voice, the sensation it creates and…ACKNOWLEDGE its presence… catch yourself in the act of negative self-talk. For years I didn’t even know it was happening. I thought it was normal, the way it was supposed to be. It is not!INTERRUPT in any way you can. Simply shout out (metaphorically or not) STOP! Distract your thoughts elsewhere. Practice being present in the moment and refuse to allow your mind to wander into the depths of self-doubt and loathing.REPLACE with helpful (loving) thoughts - think in opposites. As you become more accustomed to Acknowledging and Interrupting your hindering thoughts - begin to practice Reframing into helpful thoughts and change your mind, your beliefs…I hope you find this helpful - it truly helped me overcome all that once held me back from living my best life. I’d love to hear what comes up for you? Share it with me here.Hi I’m Donna. I’m deeply passionate about helping people achieve more than they thought possible by creating habits and practices aligned with who you are and how you want to show up. If you’re ready to discover how to get where you want and deserve to be faster, I invite you to a 30-minute no-obligation chat. Book it now.


Love Yourself and Find The Magic


Why I have decided to get the Astra-Zeneca Shot (despite all the noise)